I.               Site Selection Services

 We offer assistance with site selection with regards to interconnection.  We have access to transmission line information for all major utilities in the USA.  Our ability to analyze a particular site with respect to the feasibility of interconnection can save countless hours and money for the client.

 II.              Initial Interconnection Phase

Application technical information (we can complete the entire application with information from developer).  The following is included in the Initial Interconnection Phase

.·      One line drawings including interconnection and fault current calculations.

·      Equipment selection and sizing.

·      Any special required drawings for each interconnection site by the utility.

·      Interconnection request preparation and submission.

·      Scoping Call and minor revisions

The engineering services listed above would be by a 3rd party engineering company for those projects.

III.            Complete System Consulting and Construction

BAM Energy can coordinate with 3rd party Engineering Design firms to provide engineering services with regard to the following:

·      DC & AC equipment consulting on selection, layout and drawings.

·      Facilities construction management.

·      Interconnection modifications as required by Utility.

·      Communications for SCADA including Fiber Optics.

·      Preparation and bidding or negotiation of construction documents.

·      Bidding and specifications for material items.

·      On site project management.

·      Commissioning services and final reports.

·      Final construction closeout.

·      Final operating certification.